
Enhance data analysis, use and share to get reliable reports on the company's financial situation.

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Live data

Thanks to Nodata's innovation, the aggregate/in-memory combination provides a fast response time regardless of the volume of users and data.

Immediate processing for fast and continuous analysis of data in real-time.

Drive business units' budget process

Control goals and results defined in the budget process thanks to data unification.

Centralize financial data for a better understanding and a better financial forecast. This unification allows you to gain in productivity and security.

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The right decision at a glance

Nodata goes even further, thanks to its unlimited customization in interfaces and graphical representations.

Create specific and advanced navigation rules and reach the finest indicator level for more precision.

Unlimited filters management to get the right insight.

Reliable dashboards

Quick update of each KPI or ratio is essential for finance teams.

Data collect is automated, hence organizations avoid potential human errors.

Thanks to Nodata, an alerting and notification system allows to quickly correct a possible anomaly and provide analyses in time.


Time is money, save it!

Automate reporting by collecting data from your management and accounting systems for easy access and sharing.

Compared to traditional Excel spreadsheets, this also brings significant benefits in terms of reliability, avoiding time-consuming data collection and numerous human errors.

Reports monitoring

By leveraging security roles, a report can be shared throughout the organization, with users having access only to the data that is relevant to them.

Tracking impacts, effects and consequences is simplified with advanced collaboration features. A direct access to data-related comments accelerate exchanges.
